Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Pumpkin Patch day 2

As  we (Jeff, Doug, Kenzie, Peyton, Nick,me) finished the nightly task of watering Wednesday evening, we gathered at the end of the patch, held hands and prayed.  We thanked God for water in the well, for his continued strength, and asked Him to provide a nice ground soaking rain.

On Thursday evening, I called Jeff to ask if I had left my watering buckets.  My plan was to go earlier than usual to try and finish before night fall.  Jeff sounded exhausted.  I told him it sounded like he needed to take a break.  I told him “I’ll take this one tonight. You rest.”  He confirmed my buckets were at the patch.  I hopped in the car.  As I headed down the road, the clouds became darker, thicker.  I turned off of 36 and received a text that I was missing the rain at the patch.  I hurried.  I flew down the hill to the patch and hit a puddle of water.  How long has it been since we had an actual puddle of water? Thank you God for answered prayer!

I stood in the rain, by the patch, crying, praising and thanking God!  At that moment, God “dropped into my heart” ‘I’ve got this one tonight.’  As I watched the patch, a fog began to lift and float across the rows.  It was like the Spirit of God was present, drifting, moving across the ground.  There was a freshness in the air; a delightful scent of rain!  There was peace, yet joy, as the birds sang their hallelujah chorus chirps.  How does one put into words God’s presence?  It is a feeling, a knowing, and an understanding.   My heart knows.  When I was a young mother, I memorized my baby’s tiny features, discerned her cries.  She was my child and I knew her through and through.  As God’s child, He knows me.  As I spend time with Him, I know him, as well.

I walked the patch marveling at how wonderful the rainfall was.  God does a much better job when He waters!  Soon, I was joined by Doug.  We walked the family plot and together celebrated the newest “family” members that were beginning to “poke” through.  The night prior I had shared with the group how excited I felt when the new pumpkins popped up.  I related it to how God must feel when a sinner first comes home; the prodigal returns.  There is much rejoicing!

Tonight, Doug and I stood at the end of the field and did a Bible study on Mark chapter 4.  God is continually reminding us of being seed sowers.  He is using the pumpkin patch to teach us of our larger mission and vision.  Daily we are called to sow seeds, water, replant, weed, dig, pray, pray, and pray.  We never know when a seed we have sown is going to “pop” up, but we must NEVER give up.  We have to keep persevering through the heat, long evenings, short water supply, because at the right time, we will reap the harvest if we don’t give up.  One day there will be great rejoicing.  God is preparing us for greater things to come.  He has a purpose and a plan for each one of us.  I feel blessed to be part of the Nehemiah Ranch family.

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